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The University of Illinois is organizing a webinar on Wednesday, April 15 from 12-1 PM, to help to facilitate matchmaking between faculty at Illinois faculty and the other consortium universities.  This event will be taped, and the link to the event will be shared with the DTI consortium members after the event.

  • To join the webinar, you will need to first register; we will then send you a link to the webinar on Wednesday.  To register for the webinar, please visit
  • If you would like to make a 3-minute presentation about your research idea, please let Jay Roloff (our Executive Director, know by Tuesday, April 14 at noon. If you wish, you can also send a single PPTX slide to present.  As we will only be able to have 15 people presenting their ideas, please make sure your presentation can be completed in at most 3 minutes. We will let you know by Tuesday at 5 PM if you will be invited to give a 3-minute presentation on Wednesday.
  • Time permitting, we will enable further discussion among the attendees.
  • The DTI UIUC leads, Rayadurgam Srikant and Tandy Warnow, will be available for Q&A about the solicitation.

The list of attendees will be shared with all, to enable you to directly contact each other to form teams. In addition, the UIUC DTI leadership (Srikant and Tandy) are happy to help you with the process, and are available to answer questions by email or zoom.
