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Campus Accommodations payment:

For those who are paying for Campus accommodations:

Single Room: $90/night per person; Double Room: $72/night per person; One-time $25 fee
Check-in: Sunday, July 14 after 10am Check-out: Friday, July 19 before 10am

Please refer to the email sent to you for the amount due and fill out the required entries below.

When ready to pay, fill out the three entries and hit “Submit”.
NOTE: when you hit submit, the system will take you to a separate CashNet page where you can enter your credit card information; this information will not be visible to anyone at the University of Chicago. It is not permitted to process the same credit card twice in a 10-minute window. This is a security measure. Refunds will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

First name*
Last name*
Amount to pay* (Enter amount sent to you via email/invoice)
*(Entry Required)

