Data, Ethics, and Policy Conference 2024: Governance in a Digital World
This conference brings together thought leaders from academia, industry, government, and community organizations to address complex ethical questions arising from the use of the expanding methods of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, and how it affects governance around the world.
Panel discussions will cover:
- Digital Inclusion: Data Governance in Practice
- Data and AI Regulations – Trends and Impact
- Elections in a Data Driven World
The schedule will be available soon!
This conference is organized by the Data, Ethics, and Policy (DEP) Harris School of Public Policy student organization, and sponsored by the Data Science Institute (DSI), the Mansueto Institute for Urban Innovation, the Toyota Technology Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC), and the Master of Science in Computational Analysis and Public Policy (MSCAPP) program.
Visit the UChi Data, Ethics, Policy website for more information.