Exploring Climate and Biodiversity with 3D Deep Learning
Event Recap
NOTE: These events will be recorded in advance and premiered on the CDAC YouTube channel at the time listed. Please RSVP to submit a question and receive a link when the video is live.
Understanding the impact of climate change on the diversity of global marine species has important economic value for fishery and policy making. Changes in water temperature, nutrients, and ecological associations can affect an organism’s physical form and growth, which are critical to determining where a species can survive. Using modern 3D imaging technology, this project will quantify large-scale variations in bivalve shell morphology and statistically analyze how they respond to global climate change by developing highly efficient end-to-end geometric deep learning systems that can automatically extract latent semantic representations from millions of micro-CT scans.
Read more on the project in this feature.
CDAC Data Dispatches Spring Series
During the spring quarter, the Center for Data and Computing will host a series of remote talks that feature ongoing CDAC-funded research and collaborations across units and fields. Each date will feature a CDAC project sharing brief presentations about their work, followed by discussion between the researchers and CDAC Director Nick Feamster. These events will be recorded in advance and premiered on the CDAC YouTube channel at the time listed. If you have a question you would like us to ask the presenters, please submit it to cdac@uchicago.edu.

David Jablonski

Tingran Gao

Esteban Real (Google DeepMind): Automatically Discovering Learning Algorithms with Hardware Constraints

Max Nickel (FAIR, Meta AI) – Towards Social Foundations of AI

NSF Workshop on Data-driven Modeling and Prediction of Rare and Extreme Events