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Diana Franklin is an Associate Professor in Computer Science. She leads five projects involving computer science education involving students ranging from 3rd grade through university. She is the lead PI for quantum computing education for EPIQC, an NSF expedition in computing. Her research agenda explores ways to create curriculum and computing environments in ways that reach a broad audience. She is a recipient of the NSF CAREER award, NCWIT Faculty Undergraduate Mentoring Award, four teaching awards, three best paper awards (ICER ’17, IPDPS ’14, and Computing Frontiers ’13), and an Honourable Mention from CHI ’18.

Franklin received her Ph.D. from UC Davis in 2002. She was an assistant professor (2002-2007) and associate professor with tenure (2007) in Computer Science at the California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, during which she held the Forbes Chair. From 2008-2015, she was tenured teaching faculty at UC Santa Barbara. Her research interests include computing education research, architecture involving novel technologies, and ethnic and gender diversity in computing. She is the author of “A Practical Guide to Gender Diversity for CS Faculty,” from Morgan Claypool.
