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Bio: I am a philosopher of science and a computational researcher. My research agenda is broad and advances both our theoretical and empirical understanding of how emerging technologies (particularly AI) affect the way we do science and investigates how we can both study and use computational methods to better understand the joint processes of discovery and justification. I am currently a joint PhD Candidate in the departments of Philosophy and the Committee on the Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science at the University of Chicago. I am a Fellow in the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering AI-Enabled Molecular Engineering of Materials and Systems for Sustainability program, an Affiliated Researcher at Globus Labs, and a member of the KnowledgeLab.

Talk Title: Digital Doubles of Everything (Even You)

Talk Abstract: Scientists have long made and interrogated doubles of reality. Often developed to describe narrow aspects of otherwise immense systems, traditional models have always been relatively poor substitutes for the bewildering tangle of complexity that pervades the world. However, the rise of AI allows scientists to generate and interrogate increasingly sophisticated digitized captures of entire systems of interest. These “digital doubles” represent everything from system I/O to complete characterizations of internal mechanisms and processes. In this project, we argue that the opportunity with doubles of many such systems is not just expedient exploration or accurate prediction. Instead, it is to combine them, represent interactions between them faithfully, and even enable them to interrogate and explore one another. We probe the possibility of developing digital doubles of dynamic systems of knowledge, values, and commitments, as well as using these doubles to operationalize and automate a logic of anomaly detection and correction, not only in our data but in our theoretical and normative, non-epistemic commitments.
