Applications are due July 26, 2024
The application is available through InfoReady. If you have not previously used InfoReady, you will be required to create an account in order to submit your application.
- Resume/CV
- Biography (100 words)
- Research keywords
- Research talk title
- Research talk abstract (250 words)
- Research statement outlining research goals, potential projects of interest, and long-term career goals (2 pg, standard font at a size 11 or larger)
- Recommendations indicating support from at least 1-2 faculty members or advisors
- UC San Diego, Stanford, and UChicago are committed to broadening participation in the field of data science. In a 300-word statement, please share the experiences, values, and contributions to the field that demonstrate your interest in or commitment to creating a more diverse and inclusive scientific community. (300 words)