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Francisco Azeredo is a financial economist and decision scientist with eleven years of experience working for leading financial and consulting firms in the Chicago area.

He is presently an Associate Clinical Professor at the University of Chicago. Previously, he was the senior vice-president at Northern Trust, working on research and development of quantitative strategies for fixed income and equities at Northern Trust Asset Management.

Prior to joining asset management, Francisco led strategic and quantitative driven projects across Northern Trust’s three major business units. His experience included leading analytics projects on foreign exchange global revenue forecast, wealth management client deposit modeling, wealth management digital client behavior modeling, treasury deposit modeling, derivatives and hedging solutions and foreign exchange high-frequency algorithmic execution cost. He also conducted research on foreign exchange algorithmic execution methods and securities lending price modeling.

His prior work experience includes credit risk, operational risk and macroeconomic modeling for stress testing and capital planning, analysis of complex financial instruments, interest rate modeling, and econometric and predictive analysis for litigation matters involving financial institutions and multinational corporations.

His research in financial economics was recognized by leading economists in the Handbook of the Equity Risk Premium, Intermediate Financial Theory, and an encyclopedia of behavior economics. He currently teaches reinforcement learning, statistical analysis, non-linear statistical modeling, and optimization methods in the MS in Applied Data Science program at the University of Chicago and has five years of prior experience teaching at Northwestern University, the University of California, Santa Barbara and Riverside. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of California, Santa Barbara.
